Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #U9-93SS
Replaced by #U109-6B
Shallow well jet and check valve assemblies diagram
Part #N166-5P
Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #U9-199
Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #U212-68
The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part
Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #U239-3
Replaced by #TC104-P2
Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #J105-8PA
Replaced by #J105-8PAN
Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #J218-596
Replaced by #J218-596PKG
Motor and pump assembly diagram
Part #U36-112C
Replaced by #U36-112ZP
Vertical casing adapters diagram
Part #U37-116GP
Shallow well jet and check valve assemblies diagram
Part #U9-202