Cement 797403

Part #797403

Replaced by #WP279368
Manufacturer substitution
This part replaces 797403. Substitute parts can look different from the original.
Online Only Price
$42.72 | 
12% OFF Phone Price : $48.72
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Part Information

This silicone sealant (part number WP279368) is for appliances.

Silicone sealant WP279368 creates a watertight seal between components.

Safely store any food that could deteriorate while the power is off. Unplug the appliance before accessing internal components and applying the silicone sealant. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.


The product is easy to use it.
September 26, 2021

Very messy at times and not easy to clean, since it drys quickly. Also the product is very expensive.

nin3, la verne, ca

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour

Yes, I would recommend this to a friend