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Classic Ajay exercise cycles are a great way to stay active and get cardiovascular exercise into your life wherever you are. Plant the cycle by a window to enjoy the view, or work out while watching your favorite TV show in the comfort of your own home with these stationary bikes. These can be personalized to your individual tastes to get the best workout possible.

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Most common Ajay Trimline exercise bike parts that need replacing

  1. Resistance motor. The resistance motor changes the distance of the C-magnet from the flywheel to adjust the pedal resistance.
  2. Tension cable. The tension cable attaches to the C-magnet and adjusts the distance between the C-magnet and the flywheel to vary the resistance.
  3. Reed switch. The reed switch detects a magnet attached to the rotating crank arm pulley to sense speed and sends the speed signal to the console.
  4. Console. The console controls pedal resistance and displays time, distance, resistance level and other settings and readings.
  5. Ajay Trimline exercise bike belt. For models that use a resistance belt, check the belt regularly for wear and replace the belt when it's worn or damaged.

What to do when the control console won't power up on your Healthrider exercise cycle

Dead batteries, a failed power supply, bad electrical connections or a faulty console can prevent the control console from turning on. If your exercise cycle is powered by batteries, change the batteries to fix a dead console. Replace the batteries during routine maintenance to keep the console powered up. If the console doesn't light up after replacing the batteries, you'll likely need to replace the console.

If your exercise cycle uses an electrical outlet for the power supply, unplug the and check the power cord. Reconnect power cord wires if disconnected. Replace the power cord if it's damaged. If the power cord is intact and properly connected to the console, then you'll probably need to replace the control console.