Troubleshooting tips to fix your Eureka central vacuum power nozzle when the brush roll isn't spinning
For many central vacuums, the brush roll motor often has an overload reset button. The brush roll motor may have tripped if the brush roll overheated. Let the brush roll motor cool down and then reset the overload by pressing the reset button. If the brush roll motor overload keeps tripping, you may need to replace the brush roll motor because windings in the brush roll motor are damaged, causing the brush roll motor to overheat and trip the overload.
Check the wire harness connections in the wand, outlet and nozzle. Reconnect any loose wires and repair any broken wires. Look for melted or broken wiring contacts in the wand and outlet wiring connections. Melted or broken wiring contacts in the wand or outlet won't allow current to flow to the brush roll motor so replace the wand or outlet if wiring contacts are melted or broken.
Eureka central vacuum common replacement parts
- Brush roll. The brush roll attaches to the bottom of the power nozzle and agitates the carpet to loosen dirt and dust that gets vacuumed into the collection canister.
- Brush roll belt. The brush roll belt connects the motor to the brush roll to spin the brush roll and agitate dust and dirt out of the carpet.
- Brush roll motor overload. The brush roll motor overload switch trips if the brush roll motor overheats.
- Power cord. The power cord provides the central vacuum system with electrical current to operate.