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Marvel Upright freezers

Official Marvel upright freezer parts

Marvel is a leading manufacturer of upright freezers. Marvel upright freezers have a reputation of dependability for keeping your foods solidly frozen. When your Marvel upright freezer isn't cooling as it should, find the repair parts you need to fix the freezer at Sears PartsDirect.

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Troubleshooting your Marvel upright freezer when it won't run

If the freezer has electrical power-the inside light turns on-but the compressor won't run, a failed cold control thermostat could be the problem. If your freezer has electronic controls instead of a dial, a failed relay on the electronic control board or a bad control panel can prevent the compressor from getting power.

If the compressor is getting power from the cold control thermostat or the electronic control board, a failed start relay on the compressor may be keeping the compressor from running. Replace the compressor start relay if it doesn't start the compressor.

If you hear the compressor clicking constantly about every 30 seconds but the compressor motor won't run, the compressor pump may be locked up. The clicking noise is caused by the overload tripping when the motor overheats because it can't spin the locked up compressor pump. Replace the compressor if it won't run when activated. A service technician will need to replace the compressor if it's bad because that repair requires recovery and recharge of the refrigerant.

Finding out why the walls of your Marvel upright freezer are hot

It's normal for the outer walls of the freezer to get warm or hot when the compressor is running; refrigerant lines inside the cabinet walls remove heat from the compressed refrigerant. The hot refrigerant helps control cabinet humidity to prevent the cabinet from sweating.

If the walls get extremely hot, the condenser fan could be malfunctioning. The condenser fan blows air across the condenser coils to help cool the compressed refrigerant before it enters the evaporator. Replace the condenser fan if it doesn't run when activated.

Dirty condenser coils can also cause the hot freezer walls. Dust build-up on condenser coils interferes with heat transfer so the refrigerant stays hotter as it leaves the condenser and travels through lines in the freezer walls.

Performing routine maintenance on the freezer can also help keep the freezer walls from getting hot. Cleaning dust from the compressor compartment grill can improve airflow across the condenser so the refrigerant is cooler as it goes through lines in the freezer walls. Replacing the door gasket can prevent air from leaking into the freezer compartment, causing the compressor to run longer and heating up the refrigerant travelling through lines in the freezer wall.