What to do when your Edgestar dishwasher stops mid-cycle
If your Edgestar dishwasher stops during a cycle, first open and close the door to make sure it's latched. Check whether the house circuit to the dishwasher is tripped. If a light switch on the wall near the dishwasher controls power to the dishwasher, make sure it's in the On position.
If these basic tips don’t help, then a broken door latch, faulty control panel or failed electronic control board could be the problem. In some models, a failed heating element causes the dishwasher to stop. In other models, a failed vent fan can cause the dishwasher to stop mid-cycle. Follow the troubleshooting steps in our dishwasher won’t start video to restart the dishwasher after it stops mid-cycle. Use the tips in the dishwasher has no power video if the dishwasher is dead after stopping during the cycle.
What to do when your Edgestar dishwasher won't fill