Part Information
This LCD panel (part number BN95-04738A) is for televisions.
LCD panel BN95-04738A is the screen that displays the television image.
Because the television contains capacitors that can retain a lethal electrical charge even when the television is unplugged, a service technician should install this part.
Frequently Used Together
- $61.55 |9% OFF Phone Price : $67.55
- $203.77 |6% OFF Phone Price : $215.77
- $106.07 |10% OFF Phone Price : $118.07
- $50.05 |11% OFF Phone Price : $56.05
- $42.60 |12% OFF Phone Price : $48.60
- $83.88 |7% OFF Phone Price : $89.88
Top models using the same part
Model Name | Model Number | Diagram Name |
Model #QN65Q6FNAFXZA-FA01 Samsung lcd television | QN65Q6FNAFXZA-FA01 | Lcd tv |