Laundry Appliance Pedestal Leg Guide MJH40343901

Part #MJH40343901

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Part Information

This leg guide (part number MJH40343901) is for laundry appliance pedestals.

Leg guide MJH40343901 fits on the top corner of the pedestal and supports the laundry appliance leg.

Wear work gloves to protect your hands when installing this part.


Wrong parts,
November 19, 2019

The first person I talked to was very nice, but sent me the wrong parts. So I called back, spent hours talking with people who I could not understand. After repeated calls, someone found the part. Ah, but it was not. So I spent most of two days trying to find the right part. Did an enormous amount of research and finally found the right name, but Sears could not find it. So I finally ordered it online

Not g, Undisclosed

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
Less than 30 minutes
It worked
August 22, 2019

Instructions word have helped for all LG washers this product is used for

111111111, Undisclosed

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour