Refrigerator Electronic Control Board Kit (replaces W10439326) W10823804


Part #W10823804

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Previous part number
Part #W10439326

Part Information

This electronic control board kit (part number W10823804) is for refrigerators.

Electronic control board kit W10823804 manages the functions of the refrigerator such as cooling and defrost times. The kit may include multiple parts; refer to your parts diagram for a complete list of parts included.

Safely store any food that could deteriorate while the power is off and unplug the refrigerator before installing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.


September 21, 2019

No, parts didn't fit,had to return it ,not the tight party

Ervlb58, Forest Park,ga

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour
Not hard but a pain to install.
October 22, 2018

I received the new kit from Sears. With the part I received partial instructions that were of no use to me. They started on step 9 and were in French. When I called Sears, the lady could not find the instructions to send me so she transferred me to the repair department. The repair department transferred me back to sales. After I told the sales girl on the line of my issue, she hung up! So I figured it out on my own. This is a redesigned part to go into a Kitchenaid refrigerator. It's much bigger part so it does not fit well. I had to man handle it go get it into place. After finally getting it in, I reattached all the wiring which was a breeze. Unfortunately, this part did not fix my problem but that's another story.

bubbadacat, Dallas

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour
Works like a dream!!
July 26, 2018

This is a upgrade for the OEM control board. It repaired the problems of condenser and evaporator fans not working and a beeping noise coming from the control board. It is very slightly different but with a little patience it is easy to install. It did not take me more than a hour from start to finish.

Robert123456, Maypearl, TX

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour