Troubleshooting problems with water heaters
Superior water heaters are durable appliances made to last through years of service, but they aren't immune to some common problems that water heaters suffer from. There are a lot of electrical and mechanical parts that have to operate under stressful conditions caused by the heat and pressure of the water in the tank.
One common issue that can turn into a serious problem, if left unfixed, is sediment in the tank. There's really nothing you can do to stop sediment from getting into the tank but you can flush the tank regularly to remove the sediment build-up from the tank. Left unchecked, sediment buildup will contaminate your hot water, making it cloudy and smelly. Sediment can also accumulate on the heating coils in the tank, causing them to burn out and crack.
Another common issue is the water either not being hot enough or being too hot. For the former, it could be that the heating coil is worn out and in need of replacement. In case of both problems, it can have to do with the thermostat malfunctioning. The thermostat can get stuck in position, triggering the water heater to constantly heat or not heat at all.
Figuring out what's wrong with your trailer
A lot of trailer problems have to do with the wiring. Cross connections, frayed wires and problems with the harness can lead to the trailer lights not working at all or working in an odd manner that's not intended.
In addition to the wiring, electrical problems can also develop because of blown fuses or shorted-out components.
The tires and brakes can also become problematic if they aren't subjected to regular maintenance and examination for defects. Normal wear and tear is always an issue for tires and brakes, but it can be greatly accelerated from hauling a heavy load, especially at a steep grade. If your trailer has been excessively overhauling its weight limit, then structural problems can occur to the axle and/or frame. Both are constructed of high-quality steel and are built to handle a great deal of weight and stress, but they have their limits and will bend or crack under the pressure of constant abuse.
Locating replacement parts for your Superior equipment
After you've done some troubleshooting and figured out what parts need replacing, you can find them easily at Sears PartsDirect. There's a search bar above that you can type either a model or part number into if you have one handy. If not, there's also a categories list that's set up by make and model. Either way, you'll be taken to a listing of replacement parts available plus parts schematics of your Superior equipment. Sears PartsDirect only offers manufacturer-approved replacement parts.