Refrigerator Freezer Door Bin 240334201

Part #240334201

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Part Information

This freezer door bin (part number 240334201) is for refrigerators.

Freezer door bin 240334201 stores items in the door of the freezer.

Follow the instructions in the owner's manual when installing this part.


Very easy to install
November 21, 2021

It only took about 10 seconds to put the part on it fit perfectly and I am very pleased with this part.

Kaizeej, Bakersfield, Ca

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Ease of Installation
Very Easy
Duration of Installation
Less than 30 minutes

Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Very easy to insert
May 24, 2021

Very easy to insert. Couldn't go wrong. I didn't need help

Jenmoore50, Dublin GA

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Ease of Installation
Very Easy
Duration of Installation
Less than 30 minutes

Yes, I would recommend this to a friend